
Ping is Bad (Sometimes), (Mon, Aug 8th)

Ok, maybe ping isn’t in and of itself bad. But 2 or 3 times per week, I hear som …(more)…


Archive Gallery: The Telephone

The Elastic Telephone Cord
Coiling cords, cellular phones, and the rest of the history of talking to each other at a distance

Without question, Alexander Graham Bell’s master invention changed our lives and revolutionized the way we communicate. But science is never satisfied, and so we began a steady stream of improvements to the telephone that took it from rotary dials and operators to the unique problems of autocorrect and Siri’s witty retorts. Today, we take a look back at the ever-evolving history of the telephone.

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First we coiled the cord, keeping it from tangling up our important papers, then we learned to keep our babies from teething on it, and then we removed it entirely. We created area codes so that we could make long distance calls without relying on operators and we replaced the rotary dial with buttons to make the process even faster. Some innovations didn’t catch on, like the picturephone, and some, like the carphone, just needed a little time to reach their full potential. Learn about all these and more in our archive gallery.


Torsocks 1.2 Released – Socks friendly ssh and irssi with Tor

Torsocks 1.2 Released – Socks friendly ssh and irssi with Tor
Torsocks is an application for Linux, BSD and Mac OSX that allows you to use network applications such as ssh and irssi with Tor. Torsocks allows you to use most socks-friendly applications in a safe way with Tor. It ensures that DNS requests are handled safely and explicitly rejects UDP traffic from the application you’re

English Feeds

Abusing HTTP Status Codes to Expose Private Information

When you visit my website, I can automatically and silently determine if you’re logged into Facebook, Twitter, GMail and Digg. There are almost certainly thousands of other sites with this issue too, but I picked a few vulnerable well known ones to get your attention. You may not care that I can tell you’re logged into GMail, but would you care if I could tell you’re logged into one or more porn or warez sites? Perhaps would like to collect a list of their users who are logged into

Ignoring the privacy implications for a second, as a website developer, you might like to know if your visitors are logged into GMail; you could use that information to automatically fill the email fields in your forms with “”… Perhaps you might want to make your Facebook “like” buttons more prominent if you can tell your visitor is logged into Facebook at the moment? Here’s how I achieve this:

…read more

English Feeds


It’s far easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble.

Thanks Robert

English Feeds Fun

CodeSOD: The Query of Despair

Jeroen's colleague had the misfortune of being assigned to debug an intermittent, unspecified error in the one of the oldest of the legacy applications. "The good news is that I've isolated it to a database query," he told Jeroen, "the bad news is that I've isolated it to a database query."

Knowing that his colleague wasn’t a big fan of databases, Jeroen offered his assistance. In response, he received the following image.

"I don't think anyone can help me," the his colleague wrote.

Feeds Fun

if you can’t make it good…

… make it 3D.

Feeds Fun



English Feeds

The 147 Corporations Controlling Most of the Global Economy

rubycodez writes “Researchers at the Swiss Federal Technology Institute in Zurich have identified a ‘Capitalist Network’ [PDF] of well-connected companies that control most of the global economy. They further identified the 147 ‘super-connected’ companies that control forty percent or more of the global financial network. If one believes the mega-corporations have most governments of the west in their pockets, does this mean we have a global oligarchy?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Beetlejuice costume

The Maitlands from Beetlejuice by Ian Austin.